35 Memes That Take the Biscuit #Fun
<div class="ck-content"><p>Memes certainly don't have to<a href="https://cheezburger.com/12519429/mean-spirited-memes-for-people-with-loose-morals"> fall under the category of 'edgy' </a>to deserve our time and attention, but they do have to do something or other to pique our interest and more often than not, that involves doing something a little unexpected. It makes sense, seeing as most humor depends on the element of surprise, and as we know they can sometimes get exceedingly creative with their efforts. Now, I can make no promises that every meme that can be found here is going to be groundbreaking, breathtaking, or otherwise a wild, wild ride. I can, however, guarantee that they make for an acceptable way<a href="https://cheezburger.com/23099397/memes-for-when-all-is-said-and-done"> to waste another couple of minutes</a>. Assuming that they allow you to at least do that, we can say that they have served their purpose and even better, they have given you the distraction that you clearly seek. If it gets any better than this, we don't want to know about it.</p></div>

Memes certainly don’t have to fall under the category of ‘edgy’ to deserve our time and attention, but they do have to do something or other to pique our interest and more often than not, that involves doing something a little unexpected. It makes sense, seeing as most humor depends on the element of surprise, and as we know they can sometimes get exceedingly creative with their efforts. Now, I can make no promises that every meme that can be found here is going to be groundbreaking, breathtaking, or otherwise a wild, wild ride. I can, however, guarantee that they make for an acceptable way to waste another couple of minutes. Assuming that they allow you to at least do that, we can say that they have served their purpose and even better, they have given you the distraction that you clearly seek. If it gets any better than this, we don’t want to know about it.

Source: https://cheezburger.com/37223685/35-memes-that-take-the-biscuit

35 Memes That Take the Biscuit #Fun