Almost 40 Memes That Are Funny and Also Fun #Fun
<div class="ck-content"><p>Funny and fun are different ideas. Something can be funny without being fun, like a cutting but clever insult about someone's appearance. We may laugh, yes, but are we having<a href=""> a good time</a>? Probably not. Conversely, something can be fun without being funny. Like playing the Rainbow Road level on Mario Kart. I'm having the time of my life, but I'm also stressed as all heck trying not to fall off the road into that endless abyss below. </p><p>But some things strike a magical <a href="">combination of the two</a>. You're having a good time, and you're also laughing your head off. That's where these memes come into play. They do both at the same time. "Por que no los dos?" As a famous taco shell advertisement once said. Or "get you a man who can do both" as endless nameless Twitter pundits have uttered. So go on, get to scrolling. There's more where that came from.</p></div>

Funny and fun are different ideas. Something can be funny without being fun, like a cutting but clever insult about someone’s appearance. We may laugh, yes, but are we having a good time? Probably not. Conversely, something can be fun without being funny. Like playing the Rainbow Road level on Mario Kart. I’m having the time of my life, but I’m also stressed as all heck trying not to fall off the road into that endless abyss below. 

But some things strike a magical combination of the two. You’re having a good time, and you’re also laughing your head off. That’s where these memes come into play. They do both at the same time. “Por que no los dos?” As a famous taco shell advertisement once said. Or “get you a man who can do both” as endless nameless Twitter pundits have uttered. So go on, get to scrolling. There’s more where that came from.


Almost 40 Memes That Are Funny and Also Fun #Fun