
25+ Galentine’s Day Memes to Send to Your Best Chicas #Fun

Tomorrow might be for lovers, but today is for friends. Love can come in all forms. Platonic love is by no means weaker or less important than romantic love. We need platonic love to survive because when the romantic ones go wrong (as they are wont to do) we need our buddies around to catch us when we fall. Friends are just a different form of family. You may get on each other’s nerves and under each other’s skin, but you know they’ll be around no matter what. And since friendship doesn’t really get a holiday of its own, the day before Valentine’s Day will have to suffice. 

Coined by Parks & Rec’s Leslie Knope, Galentines’ Day is a day to celebrate your gal pals (or your brosephs, who’s counting?). Good ways to celebrate Galentine’s Day include: making a “hear me out” cake with your besties, watching a sleepover movie (The Clique is always a good one), and taking turns confessing your deepest, darkest secrets.

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Dad refuses to attend the funeral of his ex-mother-in-law because she offered to buy her daughter a house if she divorced him during the 34 years they were married: ‘My kids are pressuring me to go’ #Fun

There is a lot of judgment surrounding how people deal with loss. You’re either too sad or not sad enough. I hate the idea that you can only take a week off work after losing someone extremely close to you. As a society, we really need to bring back formal morning periods, where women wear black for a whole year, to signal to everyone that she’s going through something right now. A lady should be able to cry about her mom passing in the frozen food aisle of Gristedes without a bunch of nosy Nellies asking her, “Why?”

Displays of pure, vulnerable emotions regarding loss are socially punished if they persist for what society deems as “too long.” You will never stop missing your parent, child, or friend, and the fact that those losses are supposed to be put aside to facilitate the comfort of others is just plain wrong.

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25+ Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (February 12, 2025) #Fun

If there’s one thing about Star Wars movies, it’s that they’re going to have some funny names. Grogu? Okay, bet. Anakin? I see where you’re going with that, but then it took a left turn I wasn’t expecting. Jar Jar Binks? Now you’re just messing with me. 

These names, outlandish as they are, have cemented themselves in culture. Everyone knows that you’re referencing Star Wars when you’re talking about Chewbacca. They know you didn’t just get something stuck in your throat while you tried to pronounce a Canadian province. They’ve become household names, just like “Kleenex” or “Jennifer Lopez.” And for that, we have to thank the fans cough cough, you’re probably sitting right here. Once upon a time, folks didn’t know Mace Windu from “More Windex.” But thanks to the tireless effort of fans like you, who watch the movies, bring your friends, create online forums, wear merch, and most of all create memes, these characters are icons.

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Prescription of 30+ Restless Memes for Scardey Cats Nervous Before Therapy #Fun

Life is a wild ride, and by wild ride, I mean a never-ending loop of wondering if you should have worn a different shirt today. Every decision feels like it holds the fate of the world, even if it’s just what to eat for breakfast.

Anxiety is like that one friend who shows up uninvited but never leaves—and honestly, you’re starting to think you should just make them a key. It’s the constant whisper in your ear telling you that maybe, just maybe, you’re doing everything wrong.

But fear not! And welcome to the world’s most unofficial, unaccredited, and utterly unserious therapy session. If you’ve ever realized that adulting is 90% just pretending to know what you’re doing and 10% frantically Googling “how to make small talk,” then you’re in good company.

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The Perron Family Haunting: The Real Story Behind The Conjuring #Paranormal

Ed and Lorraine Warren began investigating paranormal phenomena in the 1950s, dedicating their lives to exploring the unexplained. Over their decades-long career, they documented more than 4,000 cases of hauntings, including the infamous Amityville Horror, where they were credited as the first paranormal experts to document the case. Their work gained widespread attention with the 2013 film The Conjuring, inspired by their harrowing 1971 investigation of the Perron family’s haunted farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island. Referred to as the “Harrisville Haunting” or “Perron Family Haunting,” the Warrens described this case as the most “intense, compelling, disturbing, and significant” of their…

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Tourists in Argentina Capture Crystal-Clear Images of UAP Over Water #Paranormal

A strange metallic object was spotted hovering above the icy waters of the Beagle Channel, Ushuaia, Argentina. The images, shared widely across social media platforms over the weekend, show disc-shaped UAP. The tourists, aboard a catamaran en route to observe penguin colonies, initially focused on capturing Tierra del Fuego’s stark landscapes. It was only later, while reviewing their photos, that they noticed the anomaly: a smooth, bronze-toned object suspended mid-air, its surface glinting in the sunlight. The clarity of the images—showing the object tilted at an angle—has ruled out claims of camera malfunctions or lens flares. Eyewitnesses described the object…

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‘There were over 100 charges’: 15-year-old gamer nephew caught spending 00 on in-game purchases using his uncle’s stolen credit card info, Mom defends her lying son #Fun

Gaming can get expensive—especially when you’re an unsupervised child with Mommy or Daddy’s credit card. This 15-year-old was happy to spend his uncle’s money on his gaming, but when the swift hand of justice came around, he quick saved and bailed before the final boss.

While it behooves many parents to think the best of their children, when a non-gaming adult discovers 100’s of PlayStation charges on their credit card, perhaps it’s time to start considering plausible alternatives. It’s possible that your little angel child is spending $25 on in-game purchases that make their character look like a glow stick or maybe there’s a new treasurebox that can only be unlocked through an online DLC. I understand giving your kid the benefit of the doubt when it comes to tomfoolery, but this uncle caught his nephew red-handed stealing from the family cookie jar. 

Read on for the full story that’ll leave non-gamers baffled at the expenses that can rack up to make your Fortnite character do a sassy little front flip at the end of each game. 

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Pobody’s Nerfect. Wait, I mean Nobody’s Perfect. Proving my own dang point. Everyone, and I mean everyone has flaws. Even Dolly Parton. She only made one Dollywood, and that’s a flaw. Part of being human is messing up. We sometimes hold opinions that we later learn to be based on false information. We hurt the feelings of others on accident, and sometimes on purpose. We push doors that say “pull” and we don’t always rewind the tape before we give it back to Blockbuster (for those old heads in the audience). And we wouldn’t want to be perfect. Perfect would mean that there’s nothing left to work on, no reason to get out of bed in the morning. Perfect would be inhuman.

What we can do, though, is approach perfection. Like that perfect slice of pizza that came right out of the oven– saucy, salty, cheesy, and chewy, all in the right proportions. Fleeting, but almost perfect.

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Unlocking the Mystery of Kozyrev Mirrors: Time, Consciousness, and the Limits of Human Perception #Paranormal

For centuries, the human mind has grappled with the nature of time. The ability to alter its flow, peer into the past, or glimpse the future has remained a tantalizing mystery. While mainstream physics holds that time is an unyielding force, moving steadily in one direction, some researchers have sought to challenge this notion. Among them was Nikolai Kozyrev, a Soviet astrophysicist whose controversial theories suggested that time might be more fluid than we assume. Kozyrev proposed that time was not just a passive dimension but an energy-like force interacting with matter and consciousness. Though dismissed by many of his…

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30 Memes For Very Online Adults #Fun

I am so glad I grew up offline. Don’t get me wrong, I cherish and enjoy every single solitary second I spend on this sacred place we call “the internet.” However, I’m glad my uncensored access to the World Wide Web didn’t begin until I was 12. I still grew up during the era when little kids didn’t have phones, and we just watched the same episode of Hannah Montana over and over again to amuse ourselves. We were still frying our brains but with Cartoon Network instead of TikTok. Kids no longer go through the phase of having a flip phone during middle school before they’re responsible enough to handle having an actual smartphone. Whether you like it or not, we’ve built our society around phone dependency for literally every demographic. It’s not going away anytime soon, so you might as well enjoy every second of brain-smoothening entertainment that the internet has to offer. 

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It’s still winter—and we’re all starting to get over it, right? With the blustery wind at our backs and ice on the ground, there’s one thing that would make our serotonin levels spike without warning, changing our mood and improving the tone of the entire day: Sunshine

Remember how therapeutic sunshine can be? With vitamin D coursing through our brains, there’s nothing that could stop us from fighting The Big Sad and having a wonderful day. It’s so simple yet so fleeting this time of year, it makes us wish we never cursed at the sky in the summertime when the sunset is at 9. Alas, there are many simple things that we take for granted that can be just as wonderful. 

Therapeutic moments are all around us and are often as common as a belly laugh with a friend or petting your cat on the couch. Despite the noise of the big, bad world, sometimes it’s the smaller things that give our brains the warm n’ fuzzies. Keep scrolling for a reminder of all that is good and wonderful and to enjoy a quick therapy session that won’t charge you by the hour. 

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Whole Army: Figure AI Company will create 100,000 humanoid robots #Paranormal

Figure AI has announced its second major commercial partnership, bringing humanoid robots closer to everyday use. CEO Brett Adcock revealed the deal could enable the shipment of 100,000 robots over the next four years. While the new customer remains undisclosed, Adcock described it as “one of the biggest U.S. companies,” sparking speculation it could be a major retailer or tech firm with significant labor needs. Adcock shared the update on LinkedIn, emphasizing the importance of deep relationships with high-capacity customers. “Our newest customer is one of the biggest U.S. companies,” he said. “It gives us potential to ship at high…

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34 Memes That Go Through the Motions #Fun

For those of us (i.e. the majority) who have spent a significant portion of our lives poisoning our brains with whatever oddities we can find on the internet, looking at memes is essentially part of our routine. Just like we may make time in the morning to make our coffee or do our skincare routine, a customary scroll through whatever funny tidbits social media and beyond are willing to give us has become customary. That doesn’t mean that it has to be boring, though. On the contrary, phone time in bed is the highlight of the day for many people, and it’s easy to see why. There is just too much entertainment to be had in the land of memes, which both riff on the mundanities of everyday life and act as a form of escapism from them. It’s a pretty good deal for something that is free, and easy to access.

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50-year-old woman takes what’s hers after breaking off a toxic 13-year relationship, leaving her ex ransacked without toilet paper, sheets, or even a bed: ‘Left him with a typical bachelor’s apartment’ #Fun

We’ve all experienced a typical bachelor apartment. Mildew towels, one roll of single-ply toilet paper, and a collection of bottles on top of the fridge, these home design wastelands are a petri dish of spores and unintentional minimalism, just waiting for the touch of a woman to come spruce things up. That’s why it’s always so obvious when a guy gets a new girlfriend to move in with him—there are some fairly urgent changes that need to be made in order to turn this man-cave into a home.

Suddenly, there are candles on the end tables, there are vegetables in the fridge, and rotating hand towels in the kitchen. Sheets are soft and fresh, the couch cushions are fluffed, and there’s a tasteful carpet runner in the hallway. Men won’t know why their house suddenly feels so homely, but they’ll certainly like it. That’s why, when this woman was going through a massively toxic breakup with her ex, when he said to clear out everything from their apartment that was hers, she complied—and took EVERYTHING that she contributed to their 13-year home together.

Keep scrolling for the well-deserved payback that made this man’s apartment look like Whoville homes after the Grinch stole Christmas.

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The Betz Mystery Sphere Revisited: A 50-Year Search for Answers #Paranormal

Not every mystery begins with flashing lights in the sky or eerie radio transmissions from space. Some arrive in the most unassuming ways, like a silent, seamless metal sphere resting in the grass. When the Betz family discovered just such an object on their Florida property in 1974, they could not have predicted that their curiosity would ignite a media firestorm, government interest, and decades of wild speculation. What at first seemed like a lost piece of machinery or an old cannonball soon defied expectations. It rolled in ways that defied gravity, vibrated when exposed to music, and even appeared…

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35 Memes to Lovingly Gaze Upon #Fun

I hate when I’m looking at my phone and laughing, and someone asks me, “What are you laughing at?” 9/10 times, I’m laughing at something that they do not care about or a joke they wouldn’t get. In that moment, I’m given three unappealing options. I could explain the joke, tell them, “Oh, it’s nothing,” or lie and say it’s some random meme. The majority of the time, I will pick #2 and try to salvage the conversation from there, but sometimes I boldly show them the tweet, meme, or text message in question. 

These are the kinds of memes you wouldn’t feel embarrassed to show to an acquaintance after laughing at them a little too loudly in public. Memes of this quality don’t come around every day, so it might be imperative to intentionally scroll through them in a public place and laugh out loud to your heart’s desire.

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‘She immediately went into angry hysterics and called her Dad’: 13-year-old daughter refuses to tell her mom why she got detention, demands to stay with her dad because he says she doesn’t have to #Fun

Kids should be a little afraid of their parents. I’m not saying that it’s a net positive for children to be terrified that their parents are going to scream and holler at them for minor transgressions, but they shouldn’t feel like they’re the ones running the show. Parents who let their kids take the lead on every decision get steamrolled in their family, and they need to nip behavior like that in the bud if they’re going to be able to discipline or punish their kid when it is necessary. Again, I don’t think that constantly lording over your kids that you are the adult and they must obey you on everything is healthy. But if your kids are making decisions with the thought in the back of their heads that they don’t want to get in trouble with you, it will probably lead to them making more thought-out decisions.

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Some Studies Confirm That The Brain Predicts The Future #Paranormal

We hear a lot of talk about the possibility of psychic powers, and we have all had experiences where we have a sense something is going to happen right before it actually does. In our daily lives, many of us have experienced uncanny moments: anticipating a friend’s phone call just before it happens, or sensing an event moments before it unfolds. Such phenomena often lead to musings about psychic abilities. But is there scientific evidence supporting these intuitive experiences? Some interesting researches suggests that our minds might indeed possess a subtle ability to sense future events. A Glimpse into Predictive…

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Cat owner abandons her cat in front of a salon, gets angry when her friend tells her she didn’t ‘rehome’ the cat: ‘I told her that re-homing involved finding an owner and vetting them in advance.’ #Fun

Nearly every story of having to rehome a pet is deeply tragic. The ones that make me the saddest are when pet parents leave their aging pets at the shelter because they are not young, energetic, and playful anymore. Could you imagine making an animal live out the rest of their days apart from their family because they’re no longer entertaining enough for them? It makes me tear up just thinking about it. There are also a lot of inexperienced pet owners who buy a puppy, don’t train it, and are shocked when they can’t properly care for it, forcing them to give it up for adoption before it’s a year old. There is a big difference between rehoming a pet because of genuinely not being able to care for it (for whatever reason) and just giving it up because the going gets a little too tough for your liking. 

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38 Memes With Whimsy at Heart #Fun

In an effort to engage in more positive thinking recently, I have been engaging in what I like to call (for lack of a better term) ‘Yaymaxxing’. When I think about what I am going to do next, I add the word ‘yay’ to the end of my thought process whether it’s something that I want to do or not. It doesn’t matter if I have to finish something at work or if I’m going to hang out with friends, it is all yay-worthy to me.

Is it a ridiculous thing to do? Absolutely, but for whatever reason it seems to make a difference. I’m all for adding some extra whimsy to the mundanities of everyday life, and many memes concur with me on that. If we only have this one short life, we have to make it enjoyable where we can. Looking at funny pictures on the internet can easily be part of that.

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A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (February 5, 2025) #Fun

Cooking is one of the very few chores that is always personal to the person who is doing it. Everybody has different skillsets, tastes, and types of cuisine that they have practiced, and it is part of what makes the world of food such an interesting and varied place with so many different things to try. 

However, all the wonderful meals that we have to try today only came about through a lot of trial and error. Not every adventure in the kitchen results in a treasured recipe, and that is just the price we have to pay for the wonder that is food. It also widens the scope of the genre of memes that consider cooking. From delectable treats to things that are one hundred percent going to be scraped into the trash after one bite, this humor celebrates it all. You will never find dinner plans more humorous than this.

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If you’re a sports fan, you’ve dabbled in pondering hypotheticals surrounding the possible outcome of games. Countless games in the history of sport could’ve ended completely differently if only one referee call went in the other direction—or if the wide receiver had managed to hang onto that 4th down pass during the final drive of the game. The fate of the outcome of any given game balances on a razorblade at any given moment, which is a huge reason we find sport so compelling in the first place. Fantasy football is itself a way to contemplate—a playground for the hypothetical, “What if this blended group of teammates worked together in a mismatched hypothetical game? Who would win?”

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