Heroes: Abortionists At Kamala Rally Rush To Woman Suffering Medical Emergency, Murder Her #BabylonBee
HOUSTON, TX — A woman suffered a medical emergency during a Kamala Harris rally, fortuitously just as a dozen doctors were arriving on a nearby stage. The abortionists raced to the woman's side, then proceeded to crush her skull and rip her apart limb by limb.

HOUSTON, TX — A woman suffered a medical emergency during a Kamala Harris rally, fortuitously just as a dozen doctors were arriving on a nearby stage. The abortionists raced to the woman’s side, then proceeded to crush her skull and rip her apart limb by limb.

Source: https://babylonbee.com/news/heroes-abortionists-at-kamala-rally-rush-to-woman-suffering-medical-emergency-murder-her/

Heroes: Abortionists At Kamala Rally Rush To Woman Suffering Medical Emergency, Murder Her #BabylonBee