<div class="ck-content"><p>Adult children living at home with their parents can create an <a href="https://cheezburger.com/36745733/she-doesnt-really-need-my-money-entitled-mother-demands-daughter-live-with-her-but-requires-she-pay">awkward dynamic</a>. Usually, the goal of this situation is to save up enough money so the kid can live outside of their parent's house without great struggle, but tensions will rise when you're nowhere close to that goal. Some kids will take advantage of their parents' kindness, and some parents will micromanage their kids' every move and forget that although they're sleeping in the room they slept in as teenagers, they are <a href="https://cheezburger.com/25554437/parents-charge-16-year-old-300-in-rent-retaliate-when-he-asserts-his-independence-theyre-trying-to">not teenagers</a> anymore. </p><p>The parent-child relationship at the center of this story appears to be a little fraught. Po, the 25-year-old living at home, pays their parents a modest $100 rent every month and only works part-time because their job won't give them full-time hours. When a LARPing event came around that both Po and their mom were interested in, their mom decided to ground them because they owed her money.</p></div>
Adult children living at home with their parents can create an awkward dynamic. Usually, the goal of this situation is to save up enough money so the kid can live outside of their parent’s house without great struggle, but tensions will rise when you’re nowhere close to that goal. Some kids will take advantage of their parents’ kindness, and some parents will micromanage their kids’ every move and forget that although they’re sleeping in the room they slept in as teenagers, they are not teenagers anymore.
The parent-child relationship at the center of this story appears to be a little fraught. Po, the 25-year-old living at home, pays their parents a modest $100 rent every month and only works part-time because their job won’t give them full-time hours. When a LARPing event came around that both Po and their mom were interested in, their mom decided to ground them because they owed her money.
Source: https://cheezburger.com/37079557/mom-grounds-her-25-year-old-kid-for-wanting-to-go-to-a-larping-event-that-costs-over-100-they-owe-us