Charity is always a good idea. If you have a little change knocking around, giving it to someone who really needs it can not only make their lives better but make you feel good too. Helping others is a great way to help yourself, whether it’s through money, time, or spreading awareness. It’s important, though, to be judicious about who and what you’re giving to. I recently watched a docu-series called Telemarketers (highly recommend) that basically exposes the telemarketing industry as a complete and utter scam. If anyone calls you asking for money for the Fraternal Order of Police, hang up immediately!
As long as there are scams to be scum, scammers are gonna scam. Hopefully, though, nobody at your place of work is scamming you. You would think that if your employer is putting on a charity function, they would do their due diligence and make it a legitimate affair. It’s not so hard to do.