
‘Don’t erase data’: Supreme Court to poll body on EVM verification plea -Times of India- #timesofindia #India #News

The Supreme Court has requested the Election Commission’s response regarding pleas for verifying burnt memory and symbol loading units in EVMs. The court emphasized no data erasure or reloading during verification, just an engineer’s certification is needed. The Election Commission is expected to clarify the procedure and address the high verification cost by March 3.

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Whole Army: Figure AI Company will create 100,000 humanoid robots #Paranormal

Figure AI has announced its second major commercial partnership, bringing humanoid robots closer to everyday use. CEO Brett Adcock revealed the deal could enable the shipment of 100,000 robots over the next four years. While the new customer remains undisclosed, Adcock described it as “one of the biggest U.S. companies,” sparking speculation it could be a major retailer or tech firm with significant labor needs. Adcock shared the update on LinkedIn, emphasizing the importance of deep relationships with high-capacity customers. “Our newest customer is one of the biggest U.S. companies,” he said. “It gives us potential to ship at high…

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LEDA 1313424, aptly nicknamed the Bullseye, is two and a half times the size of our Milky Way and has nine rings — six more than any other known galaxy. High-resolution imagery from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope confirmed eight rings, and data from the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii confirmed a ninth. Hubble and Keck also confirmed which galaxy dove through the Bullseye, creating these rings: the blue dwarf galaxy that sits to its immediate center-left.

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High-Resolution Imaging of Dyson Sphere Candidate Reveals no Radio Signals #Paranormal

In the more than sixty years where scientists have engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), several potential examples of technological activity (“technosignatures”) have been considered, reports While most SETI surveys to date have focused on potential radio signals from distant sources, scientists have expanded the search to include other possible examples. This includes other forms of communication (directed energy, neutrinos, gravitational waves, etc.) and examples of megastructures (Dyson Spheres, Clarke Bands, Niven Rings, etc.) Examples of modern searches include Project Hephaistos, the first Swedish Project dedicated to SETI. Named in honor of the Greek god of blacksmiths,…

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Valentine’s Day Plans? How about Transcribing Historic Pamphlets for Douglass Day!

The Rare Book and Special Collections Division will partner with the Library’s “By the People” crowdsource transcription project and Pennsylvania State University’s Douglass Day initiative to transcribe the contents of the African American Perspectives Collection. Read on to learn more about Douglass Day, transcription, and other efforts to preserve and share the collection assembled by Daniel Murray, a legendary figure in the history of the Library of Congress.

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Getting Closer to God #Paranormal

Irrespective of which religion is being considered, the concept of God as the creator is linked to the origin of the Universe and everything within it. This means that if our scientists had a quantum-gravity recipe for the ingredients and the heating process that resulted in the birth of our Universe through the womb of the Big Bang, then they would be on their way to acquiring the professional expertise of God. The missing component might be a particle collider that can create the necessary conditions for making a baby Universe. Are there any alien scientists in the Milky-Way with…

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Do aliens exist? We studied what scientists really think #Paranormal

News stories about the likely existence of extraterrestrial life, and our chances of detecting it, tend to be positive. We are often told that we might discover it any time now. Finding life beyond Earth is “only a matter of time”, we were told in September 2023. “We are close” was a headline from September 2024. It’s easy to see why. Headlines such as “We’re probably not close” or “Nobody knows” aren’t very clickable. But what does the relevant community of experts actually think when considered as a whole? Are optimistic predictions common or rare? Is there even a consensus?…

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CIA Already Had Nuclear-Powered ‘Eagle’ Drones Back In the 60s #Paranormal

During the Cold War, a time defined by covert operations and technological innovation, one of the CIA’s most ambitious espionage projects was Project Aquiline. This classified initiative aimed to revolutionize intelligence gathering with bird-shaped drones powered by nuclear energy. However, despite its cutting-edge aspirations, the project never made it beyond the testing phase. Project Aquiline was conceived as the CIA’s first uncrewed system for covert reconnaissance. The agency sought to develop small, bird-like drones that could infiltrate restricted areas undetected. Designed by McDonnell Douglas, a defense contractor renowned for its military aircraft, the drone measured five feet in length, had…

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The Tension Between Anomalies in the Sky and National Security #Paranormal

The sky is our window to the Universe. Looking up allows us to get informed about our cosmic roots. A lot has happened over the past 13.8 billion years since the Big Bang. At the beginning, there was a nearly uniform soup of elementary particles. But it is sometimes the unimpressive kid in the back of the class that dominates the future. For the cosmos, this unimpressive ingredient was the slight density nonuniformities in the primordial soup. These ended up seeding the gravitational collapse of galaxies, inside of which gas fragmented into stars like the Sun with planets like the…

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Supermassive Black Hole Lies on Its Side After a Mysterious Event #Paranormal

Astronomers, using data from the Hubble and Chandra space telescopes, have made a groundbreaking discovery: a supermassive black hole at the center of the lenticular galaxy NGC 5084 that appears to be “lying” on its side. Unlike anything previously observed, its axis of rotation is aligned parallel to the plane of the galaxy. The study was published in The Astrophysical Journal. Scientists have studied the center of the lenticular galaxy NGC 5084, which is located 80 million light years away from us. The width of this galaxy is 200,000 light years, which is 2 times larger than the Milky Way,…

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Time Travel’s Unpleasant Side Effect: Memory Loss #Paranormal

Imagine that you had the ability to travel back in time. But when you returned to the present, you found that you could not remember anything about it. Physicists believe that this is a real consequence that time travelers may face. The study was published in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, as reported by Interesting Engineering. While most research has focused on the mechanics of time travel, little attention has been given to its effects on the traveler. The new study suggests that journeying through time could come with unusual side effects—most notably, the loss of all memories from…

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Potentially Habitable Exoplanet Even More Interesting Than Previously Thought #Paranormal

Since the discovery of the first exoplanet in 1992, thousands more have been discovered. 40 light years away, one such system of exoplanets was discovered orbiting a star known as Trappist-1. Studies using the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed that one of the planets, Trappist-1 b has a crust that seems to be changing. Geological activity and weathering are a likely cause and if the latter, it suggests the exoplanet has an atmosphere too. Exoplanets are planets that orbit around other stars. In every way they vary in size, composition and distance from their star. Finding them is quite…

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Unidentified Drones: Are They Terrestrial or Something Else? #Paranormal

In the past several months, mysterious drone-like objects have been reported in the skies over New York, the UK, and other locations worldwide. The FBI has released a statement acknowledging the sightings, but their response has raised more questions than answers. “At this time, we do not have conclusive information on the origin or intent of these objects, but we can confirm that they pose no immediate threat to public safety,” the agency stated. But how can they assure the public of safety when they admit to knowing so little? Witnesses often describe these drones as silent, highly maneuverable, and…

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Photons Can’t Be Fully Seen as Both Waves and Particles #Paranormal

A recent experiment has confirmed an interesting aspect of quantum physics: the dual nature of light particles, known as photons, cannot be fully observed as both a wave and a particle at the same time. This limitation arises from a principle called entropic uncertainty. In the early 20th century, physicist Niels Bohr introduced the idea of wave-particle duality, which suggests that photons can behave as waves (like ripples on a pond) or particles (like tiny billiard balls), depending on how they are observed. However, Bohr also proposed the complementarity principle: it’s impossible to observe both behaviors simultaneously. It’s like trying…

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Alien Life Could Persist on Mars in Subterranean Depths #Paranormal

Could Mars, once a warm and wet world, still harbor life? A team led by Andrea Butturini believes so, focusing on Acidalia Planitia as a potential haven for microbial life, especially methanogens. Their study identifies a subsurface zone between 4.3 and 8.8 kilometers deep where conditions might support life. This area, shielded from Mars’ harsh surface, could retain ancient water and geothermal heat, key for life. Analyzing data from Mars missions, the researchers found Acidalia Planitia, a vast plain, might host methanogens. These microorganisms, which produce methane, can survive in extreme conditions without oxygen or sunlight, thriving on minimal nutrients.…

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‘Space Censorship’ Confirmed, Revealing Secrets of Quantum Gravity #Paranormal

Physicists have developed a groundbreaking model providing mathematical proof that singularities inside black holes are hidden from observers. In the 1960s, British physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose proposed the “cosmic censorship” principle, a hypothesis suggesting that singularities—regions of space-time with extreme gravitational forces—are always concealed behind a black hole’s event horizon. Singularities are unique points where the classical laws of physics, such as general relativity, break down. Although Penrose’s description of black hole singularities is widely accepted, the “cosmic censorship” principle lacked mathematical proof—until now. Four years ago, Penrose was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his pioneering work…

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