dog memes

29 Memes With Good Vibes #Fun

Vibes are so important. You know this if you’ve ever been somewhere where the vibes were… off. You know it when you feel it, but it’s kind of hard to describe. However things came together, it just isn’t working. You know this intrinsically. Think of your favorite coffee shop, for instance. Sure, you might appreciate their prices, quality, and proximity to your home, but odds are you also picked it because it has some ineffable vibe that jibes with your soul. When vibes are right, you relax a little more, you breathe a little easier, and you stay a little longer. 

In some ways, life is all about vibe curation. If you’re lucky, you pick friends with good vibes, an apartment with good vibes, and a lamp with good vibes. So why stop there? Why shouldn’t your memes also have good vibes? Oh good, they do. Now let’s get on with them post haste. 

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30+ Memes With Limitless Potential #Fun

Everyone has a story within them. We all have experiences and opinions and things about us we would like to share with the world. We all have a song in our hearts, is another way to say it. It’s just a matter of how we express it. Some of us express it in clear ways, like in memoirs, diaries, or songs. Some are less clear, like food or dance. And some people express themselves in quotidian ways, through caring for others or being in nature. And some special people among us express themselves through memes. 

Memes are the people’s art form. They’re democratically produced, and the funniest and most relatable ones rise to the top, which naturally means that they represent us. Aren’t we grateful for those kinds of people, the selfless memers? They allow us to delight and rejoice in their stories. So let’s get together and chuckle at a few of them. 

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Almost 40 Memes That Are Funny and Also Fun #Fun

Funny and fun are different ideas. Something can be funny without being fun, like a cutting but clever insult about someone’s appearance. We may laugh, yes, but are we having a good time? Probably not. Conversely, something can be fun without being funny. Like playing the Rainbow Road level on Mario Kart. I’m having the time of my life, but I’m also stressed as all heck trying not to fall off the road into that endless abyss below. 

But some things strike a magical combination of the two. You’re having a good time, and you’re also laughing your head off. That’s where these memes come into play. They do both at the same time. “Por que no los dos?” As a famous taco shell advertisement once said. Or “get you a man who can do both” as endless nameless Twitter pundits have uttered. So go on, get to scrolling. There’s more where that came from.

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35 Memes That Are All Coming Back to Me Now #Fun

Nostalgia is a powerful emotion. It can overwhelm you in a second. All you need is a whiff of a scent that reminds you of a bygone era, a scrap of a song you used to listen to, a certain feeling in the air, and you can become immediately consumed by a sense of a feeling gone by. Some things just get lost, and we will never get back to them again besides in mere flashes of images or impressions of memories. And every time we think back on it, we further degrade the memory. We remember an impression of an impression, not the thing itself. 

But what does this have to do with memes? Memes can make us nostalgic, too. As folks who grew up on the internet, a meme can remind us of a time in our lives just as much as a song can. Maybe one day you’ll be nostalgic for these memes.

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29 Memes to Make You Say ‘Holy Moley’ #Fun

Humans love to rhyme. We love when things sound sing-songy because we love to say them out loud. Think of all the phrases in the English language that really only exist because they rhyme. Hippy dippy, for example, takes the hippy down a peg by also suggesting that they’re a bit of a dip. Fancy schmancy and hoity-toity are both ones that use completely made-up words just so we can have rhyming phrases that suggest that something is a little rich. And lest we forget “float someone’s boat” which conveniently rhymes and is also an elegant and whimsical way to say that somebody likes something. 

This is the fun of the English language. We get to be a little silly with it sometimes, and it’s perfectly culturally acceptable. Using those phrases makes us feel like kids again. Looking at memes also makes us feel like kids again. So why not do both?

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34 Memes To Ease The Pain #Fun

Pain is a funny thing. For one, it’s bread in French. Aren’t they lucky? Every time they’re “experiencing pain” it just means that they’re chewing down on a fluffy baguette. Oh, to be French. 

They say that pain is your body trying to tell your brain that something is wrong. But sometimes it’s like, yeah I KNOW something is wrong I just can’t do anything about it right now, so will you buzz off while I try to watch this TV show? But the body is smarter than that. It wants you to know that you can’t keep doing what you’ve been doing with your knees forever, Cheryl. Something’s gotta give. But when pain strikes, there are a few things that always come in handy. Advil, for one. A stiff drink, for two. And finally, a healthy heaping of memes to take your mind off of it. And would you look at what we have here…

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A Slew of Memes Ready to Sock It to ‘Em #Fun

I’ve never been one for schoolyard violence (my core isn’t strong enough to withstand a punch), but a good schoolyard insult is an under-appreciated craft. The classic ones still cut deep. If someone puts an L shape to their forehead and sticks out their tongue, it hits harder than any well thought out insult could. Because children can be exceptionally cruel. They don’t have time to faff about with high falutin language, psychoanalysis, and guilt trips. No, they will immediately find the surface-level thing you’re most self-conscious about, and taunt you about it relentlessly. It’s one of the many reasons I prefer being an adult to being a kid. 

Another reason, chief among them, is memes. Sure, you can have memes as a kid, but nothing hits like a meme at the ripe age of… however old you are. We’ve been through things, so they are endlessly more relatable. Good thing we have some right here.

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35 Memes That Are Strange as They Are Entertaining #Fun

The best things are a little weird. If someone is 100% normal it’s hard to trust them. It’s like, where are the bodies hiding? No, the best people, the best movies, the best foods are all a little strange at first glance. A movie where a clay man and his dog travel to the moon to see if it’s made of cheese? Peculiar indeed, but also one of the best pieces of children’s media of the last 50 years. Dipping a Lays potato chip in chocolate? Not the most expected snack, but a delicious one indeed. 

The same goes for memes. The memes you remember aren’t the ones that immediately make sense. No, they are the ones that are just odd enough to pull you in. They have an unexpected humor. These are the memes that you want to send to your friends, so you can be in on the joke together. The ones below are just that. 

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