
30+ Memes With Limitless Potential #Fun

Everyone has a story within them. We all have experiences and opinions and things about us we would like to share with the world. We all have a song in our hearts, is another way to say it. It’s just a matter of how we express it. Some of us express it in clear ways, like in memoirs, diaries, or songs. Some are less clear, like food or dance. And some people express themselves in quotidian ways, through caring for others or being in nature. And some special people among us express themselves through memes. 

Memes are the people’s art form. They’re democratically produced, and the funniest and most relatable ones rise to the top, which naturally means that they represent us. Aren’t we grateful for those kinds of people, the selfless memers? They allow us to delight and rejoice in their stories. So let’s get together and chuckle at a few of them. 

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34 Memes to Chip Away At #Fun

By definition, many memes are all about immediate impact. Their existence and success rely on them capturing your attention enough that you don’t just decide to keep on scrolling, after all. However, this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t consider evaluating them from another perspective. For all they are mostly meant to be throwaway and temporary, some memes are worth coming back to, or indeed meditating on for longer the first time that you see them. It may be true that this doesn’t apply to every single humorous image you see on the internet, but just like learning to chew your food for longer or taking the scenic route home, it can bring copious rewards if you are willing to make the extra effort for it. Below are 34 opportunities to do exactly that, so choose wisely. You might find yourself becoming far more absorbed than you ever expected to be. 

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Aunt refuses to take 8-year-old niece out for meals after she continuously orders  worth of food and refuses to eat it: ‘She will ask for 50 piece nuggets, large fries, deluxe quarter pounder with cheese and two shakes with two ice creams’ #Fun

It ain’t always easy being the fun aunt. You get the opportunity to spend a lot of money on your nieces and nephews and spend quality time with them, but you don’t have the authority to parent them. If your siblings or your partner’s siblings have parented them well, they should be able to understand that when an authority figure says “no,” they mean it and not fight it, but that’s not the case for many children. I’ve seen loads of parenting TikToks that advise moms and dads not to outright say no to their kids but to redirect them to a more desirable option. That might work when your kid is two, but what if they’re eight and literally can’t take “no” for an answer without having a full-blown meltdown? That’s the reason why one aunt decided to stop including her brother’s stepdaughter in her special days with her niblings.

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