Splitting the bill can be an uncomfortable affair. There’s a Portlandia sketch where a group is out for a birthday dinner, and they call in a “Fixer” type that comes in and helps them settle the bill. Who got what entree, who was drinking, how much are we tipping? Bang, boom, there ya go. It’s hilarious because we’ve all been in that situation. It gets awkward quickly. That’s why you need to have an understanding of how you’re going to pay before you all arrive.
And a fair assumption, except for very specific scenarios, is that you pay for your portion. You eat it, you drink it, you pay for it. Unless it’s been made abundantly clear that it’s someone’s treat. What you don’t do in any case, is try to leave before the bill is paid. That’s just straight-up stealing. But that’s the unfortunate position one man was put in by his girlfriend and her friends. Read on for the story.