
Cat owner abandons her cat in front of a salon, gets angry when her friend tells her she didn’t ‘rehome’ the cat: ‘I told her that re-homing involved finding an owner and vetting them in advance.’ #Fun

Nearly every story of having to rehome a pet is deeply tragic. The ones that make me the saddest are when pet parents leave their aging pets at the shelter because they are not young, energetic, and playful anymore. Could you imagine making an animal live out the rest of their days apart from their family because they’re no longer entertaining enough for them? It makes me tear up just thinking about it. There are also a lot of inexperienced pet owners who buy a puppy, don’t train it, and are shocked when they can’t properly care for it, forcing them to give it up for adoption before it’s a year old. There is a big difference between rehoming a pet because of genuinely not being able to care for it (for whatever reason) and just giving it up because the going gets a little too tough for your liking. 

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23 Always Tired Memes for Sleepy People Who Are Always Exhausted Whether They Sleep 12 Hours or Two #Fun

In search of a job that pays me to sleep. Does that exist? I’m not talking about research studies, I’m talking just let me honk shoo mee mee mee alone in my bedroom. Just trust me, that is what I’m doing in there, and then you pay me? Is that a thing?! A girl can dream! Instead, I have to be brave and set an alarm to go off every weekday morning. And then I have to STOP hitting snooze five times. If I’m going to do that, I might as well just set the alarm for later, right?? No, because I’m supposed to be getting up earlier. I should not hit snooze at all. But dang, that button is such a tease. 


So, you guessed it, I slept through my alarm today. Sometimes that’s an even better alarm than the actual alarm, because then you wake up, realize you slept through your alarm, and then the adrenaline starts PUMPING through you. I got ready in like 10 minutes, which usually takes me a nice calm and slow full hour. But not today! Today I panicked, throw on the same pair of pants, and bolted to the train. Was only a few minutes late, so that’s good! But I am also exhausted…

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20+ Memes That Won’t Cause a Scene #Fun

Some memes are audacious and dramatic. They want the spotlight on them 24/7 and won’t stop until they get it. Those are the kinds of memes that fill up your Twitter feed for 72 hours and seem completely inescapable. This meme comes to mind as an example of one of these superstars; 

“excuse me, not to be disrespectful but could you please delete this. this is my sister who was hit by a meta train and this post is very disrespectful. idk who you are or if you even know or have seen her but i need you to delete this.”

Even though attention-seeking memes can be fun, they tend to burn bright and fizzle out quickly. Someone might remember them years later, but they’re unlikely to make much of an impact beyond their debut. These funny random memes will outlast their flashy competitors and give you some laughs today, tomorrow, and yesterday. 

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Pets of Agent 007: Animals Were Turned into Spies and Saboteurs #Paranormal

The death of a spy is rarely newsworthy, due to the secrecy surrounding it. But when a white beluga whale suspected of spying for Moscow was found dead in Norwegian waters in September, the animal soon became a minor celebrity. Hvaldimir (a play on the Norwegian word for whale, hval, and the first name of Russian president) was even given an official autopsy by the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries. The whale had been uncovered as a spy in 2019, and is one in a long line of animals which have been used by the intelligence services. Among them was a…

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Enhance Your Interior Design with Eye-Catching Designer Train Accent Pillows by Currier and Ives

Enhance Your Interior Design with Eye-Catching Designer Train Accent Pillows! Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your home décor with our stunning collection of accent pillows featuring captivating train motifs. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these pillows are perfect for adding a touch of whimsy and charm to any room in your home. Whether you’re a passionate train enthusiast or simply appreciate unique and eye-catching designs, our designer pillows are sure to make a statement. Spruce up your sofa, chair, or bed with these distinctive accent pillows and transform your living space into a stylish and inviting sanctuary. Explore our selection today and discover the perfect accent piece to complement your interior design! Currier and Ives Prints

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Transform Your Living Space with Designer Train Inspired Accent Pillows!

Enhance Your Decor with Designer Train Motif Accent Pillows! Infuse your living space with a touch of vintage charm and timeless elegance using our exquisite collection of accent pillows adorned with classic train motifs. Ideal for both train enthusiasts and lovers of nostalgia, these pillows boast meticulously crafted designs inspired by iconic locomotives and railroad scenes. Whether adorning your sofa, armchair, or bed, our designer pillows are guaranteed to instantly elevate your décor and whisk you away to a bygone era of adventure and romance. Embrace the allure of the railroad in your home and make a bold statement with these stylish accent pillows today! Currier and Ives Prints.

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Elevate Your Decor with Designer Train Motif Accent Pillows! – Currier and Ives Prints

Elevate Your Decor with Designer Train Motif Accent Pillows! Add a touch of vintage charm and timeless elegance to your living space with our exquisite collection of accent pillows featuring classic train motifs. Perfect for train enthusiasts and lovers of nostalgia alike, these pillows showcase meticulously crafted designs inspired by iconic locomotives and railroad scenes. Whether you’re looking to enhance your sofa, armchair, or bed, our designer pillows will instantly elevate your décor and transport you to a bygone era of adventure and romance. Bring the allure of the railroad into your home and make a statement with these stylish accent pillows today!

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‘You’re literally being exploited’: Unpaid internship asks young employee to work 12 hours with just a 30 minute break, lashes out when she refuses #Fun

Unpaid internships are one of the biggest scams of our current work culture. We all agree that internships are valuable to young people who want to get a taste of a certain field, gain some practical experience, and start collecting references for their resumes. Moreover, interns are valuable to companies to train prospective hires, gain some new insight, and build their programs. But where, in all of that, does it say that it doesn’t need to pay? You’re doing real work, after all, and work should be paid. Otherwise, that’s volunteering, and that’s different. 

But alas many workplaces love to exploit this little loophole and get some labor for free. And for certain kinds of young workers, it’s worth it to get the experience. But in this case, the expectations of unpaid work went far beyond the regular call of duty, and the intern had no choice but to stand up for herself. Read on for the story. 

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Fermi’s Paradox Suggests that We Are Not Attractive on the Interstellar Dating Scene #Paranormal

The human body is biodegradable. In a billion years, the leftovers from our burial sites might offer interstellar archaeologists some Neuralink chips which outlasted the human flesh in which they were embedded. The carbon footprint of all humans vanishes at death, irrespective of whether prior to that moment thousands of billionaires traveled on private jets and fancy yachts or billions of other humans just travelled on foot. The blow to the human ego delivered by the beginning and end of this non-negotiable contract for life-as-we-know-it, makes everything in between a temporary gift with an expiration date. Given this underlying setup,…

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Add a Touch of Elegance to Your Space with Designer Train Accent Pillows!

Add a Touch of Elegance to Your Space with Designer Train Accent Pillows!
Currier and Ives Prints
Introducing our Reversible Railroad Accent Pillow – A Must-Have for Train Enthusiasts! This exceptional pillow showcases two breathtaking Currier and Ives prints: one on the front features an American railroad scene, depicting lightning express trains bustling from a lively junction; while the back displays “Across The Continent,” an 1868 lithograph portraying the westward expansion of American settlers and the historic transcontinental railroad. The dynamic front design captures the bustling energy of a vibrant train station, with powerful locomotives converging towards the lower left corner. Meanwhile, “Across The Continent” illustrates the remarkable journey of pioneers and the monumental achievement of uniting the east and west coasts via rail. Bring the excitement of the railroad into your home with this exquisite accent pillow – perfect for adding a touch of history and adventure to any room!

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Discover Stylish Accent Pillows Featuring Designer Train Designs!

Discover Stylish Accent Pillows Featuring Designer Train Designs!
Introducing our Reversible Railroad Accent Pillow – A Must-Have for Train Enthusiasts! This exceptional pillow showcases two breathtaking Currier and Ives prints: one on the front features an American railroad scene, depicting lightning express trains bustling from a lively junction; while the back displays “Across The Continent,” an 1868 lithograph portraying the westward expansion of American settlers and the historic transcontinental railroad. The dynamic front design captures the bustling energy of a vibrant train station, with powerful locomotives converging towards the lower left corner. Meanwhile, “Across The Continent” illustrates the remarkable journey of pioneers and the monumental achievement of uniting the east and west coasts via rail.

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Accent pillows with designer train motifs are available for purchase – Currier and Ives Prints

Introducing the Reversible Railroad Accent Pillow – A Must-Have for Train Enthusiasts! This unique pillow features two stunning Currier and Ives prints: on the front, an American railroad scene depicting lightning express trains departing from a bustling junction, while on the back, “Across The Continent,” an 1868 lithograph showcasing the westward expansion of American settlers and the transcontinental railroad. The front design captures the energy of a busy train station, with two trains propelled by powerful locomotives converging towards the lower left corner. Meanwhile, “Across The Continent” illustrates the epic journey of pioneers and the monumental achievement of connecting the east and west coasts via rail.

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Designer Trains Accent Pillow

Reversible Railroad Accent Pillow – Perfect for any Train enthusiast. Two beautiful Currier and Ives Prints. Front: American railroad scene: lightning express trains leaving the junction Back: Across The Continent, an 1868 lithograph illustrating the westward expansion of American settlers and the transcontinental railroad. Railroad scene of a bustling train junction, two trains pulled by large black locomotives with smoke billowing from their stacks approach the lower left corner of the image, where their tracks appear to converge. Across The Continent, an 1868 lithograph illustrating the westward expansion of American settlers and the transcontinental railroad.

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