<p><img src="http://unitedyam.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/white-edged-tree-frog-boana-albomarginata.jpg" width="84" height="63" alt="White-edged tree frog (Boana albomarginata)" border="0" align="left"></p><p>A white-edged tree frog (<em>Boana albomarginata</em>). Researchers discovered that frogs have maintained a surprising diversity of nonvisual, light-sensing proteins over evolutionary time which play a role in a variety of biological functions.
[Research supported by U.S. National Science ...</p><p>This is an NSF Multimedia Gallery item.</p>
A white-edged tree frog (Boana albomarginata). Researchers discovered that frogs have maintained a surprising diversity of nonvisual, light-sensing proteins over evolutionary time which play a role in a variety of biological functions.
[Research supported by U.S. National Science …
This is an NSF Multimedia Gallery item.
Source: https://www.nsf.gov/news/mmg/mmg_disp.jsp?med_id=188903