‘You’re At The Wrong Church,’ Responds Joel Osteen To Man Proclaiming ‘Jesus Is Lord!’ #BabylonBee
HOUSTON, TX — Eyewitnesses at Lakewood Church reported that a congregant who shouted "Jesus is Lord" during a morning service was quickly told by Joel Osteen "I think you're at the wrong church."

HOUSTON, TX — Eyewitnesses at Lakewood Church reported that a congregant who shouted "Jesus is Lord" during a morning service was quickly told by Joel Osteen "I think you’re at the wrong church."

Source: https://babylonbee.com/news/youre-at-the-wrong-church-responds-joel-osteen-to-man-proclaiming-jesus-is-lord/

‘You’re At The Wrong Church,’ Responds Joel Osteen To Man Proclaiming ‘Jesus Is Lord!’ #BabylonBee