Day: June 2, 2024

Deputy Program Manager Vir Thanvi

“I say that to my team, whenever I have an opportunity. I share with my team that they are enabling science and exploration for dozens of missions being supported by NSN. Initially it just seems like words, but once they start realizing [their contributions] are real, I can tell you those people don’t want to go anywhere. They just feel that sense of accomplishment.” —Vir Thanvi, Deputy Program Manager, Exploration and Space Communications Projects Division, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

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In the Style of van Gogh – recreate ‘Mona Lisa’ by Leonardo da Vinci — using High Contrast Color – #ArtCommunity

In this reinterpretation of Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic masterpiece, the “Mona Lisa,” I aim to capture the essence of van Gogh’s vibrant style while paying homage to the enigmatic beauty of the original painting. Employing bold and contrasting colors, I infuse the composition with a sense of dynamic energy and emotion, characteristic of van Gogh’s expressive brushwork.

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#7DeadlySins – One Pride excessive belief in one’s abilities or accomplishments, often accompanied by arrogance or vanity.

Pride is excessive belief in one’s abilities or accomplishments, often accompanied by arrogance or vanity. It manifests as an inflated sense of self-importance and a desire for recognition or admiration from others. Pride can lead individuals to disregard the contributions of others and to overestimate their own capabilities, ultimately leading to downfall.

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