
Saint Egwin #Saints

Saint Egwin was a Benedictine monk who became the bishop of Worcester, England. He seems to have had a good reputation─except with the clergy; they found his reforms a bit too strict. He was exonerated by Rome, however, and he continued to function as the diocesan bishop.

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A Puddle Full of 22 Weather Memes to Splash Around in on a Rainy Day #Fun

What a whirlwind we’ve been through with the weather the past year and a half. From the rampant wildfires in Canada to most recently, Hurricane Helene in the U.S., it seems no place in the world can catch a break from Mother Nature’s wrath. No matter how hard we try to beat her, she always pushes back with full force. Though Floridians are notorious for hunkering down in their southern homes, sometimes, we are truly no match for what’s in store.

I remember when Hurricane Sandy hit New York City. I went outside and jumped up in the air during a very powerful wind gust, and needless to say, I was taken for a spin about 10 feet behind me. Whether (no pun intended) you’re not feeling this rainy weather or absolutely digging the gray skies and thunder, we over here at Cheezburger are hoping you’re all feeling safe and dry. If you’re looking for a way to pass the time, splash around in these weather memes to get the good vibes rolling.

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