
New Year’s Prayer (by Archbishop Carroll.): Prayer of the Day for Wednesday, January 01, 2025 #Pray

Almighty and eternal God,
You have, through Jesus Christ,
revealed Your glory to all nations.
We pray You to preserve the works of Your mercy,
that Your Church,
being spread through the whole world,
may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Your name.

We pray You, who alone are good and holy,
to endow with heavenly knowledge,
sincere zeal,
and sanctity of life our Chief Bishop,
Pope John Paul II, the vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ,
in the government of …

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Saint Blaise #Saints

Popularly known as the saint who protects from ailments of the throat, Saint Blaise was a bishop and martyr of the fourth century. We know little else about him, except that he suffered persecution even after the Edict of Toleration was to have freed the Roman world for worship.

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Saint John Bosco #Saints

Inspired by Saint Francis de Sales, Saint John Bosco founded the Salesians to continue his work among boys. Then, joining forces with Mary Mazzarello, he helped found the Salesian Sisters. All this during a time when established religious communities in Italy were closing their doors.

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Lord, one more day to love you!
Brother Charles de Foucauld

O Jesus, watch over me always, especially today, or I shall betray you like Judas.
St. Philip Neri

Lord, today is the day I begin!
St. Philip Neri

Jesus, shine through me and be so in me
that every person I come in contact with
may feel your presence in my soul.
John Henry Cardinal Newman

My God, send me thy Holy Spirit to teach me what I am and what thou art!
St. John Vianney

May the …

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The Phenomenon: Unified Theory of the Paranormal from UAPs to Bigfoot #Paranormal

Ghosts, cryptids, UFOs, and even folkloric creatures like fairies and goblins, are all manifestations of the same underlying force. “The Phenomenon,” a unifying theory suggesting that various anomalies—ranging from UAPs to ghosts and poltergeists—are interconnected manifestations of a singular, underlying force. Initially, like many of his contemporaries in the 1960s, this researcher approached the UFO enigma with the prevailing extraterrestrial hypothesis—the belief that unidentified flying objects were spacecraft from other planets. However, his extensive field investigations led him to a different conclusion. A Shift from Space to Something Far Stranger In the realm of “new ufology,” John Keel undoubtedly played…

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Saint Charles of Sezze #Saints

Like many people, Saint Charles of Sezze thought he knew what God wanted, only to find out that he was mistaken. Instead of going to India as a missionary, Saint Charles settled in Rome where he cooked and cared for the friary and friary chapel. While being simple, Saint Charles was no simpleton as is obvious from his life story.

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Earth in Far-Ultraviolet

A color enhancement of a far-ultraviolet photo of Earth taken by astronaut John W. Young, commander, with the ultraviolet camera on April 21, 1972. The original black-and-white photo was printed on Agfacontour film three times, each exposure recording only one light level. The three light levels were then colored blue (dimmest), green (next brightest), and red (brightest).

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Saint John Neumann #Saints

Saint John Neumann was the first member of his community, the Redemptorists, to profess vows in the United States. He did missionary work in Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio, and became the bishop of Philadelphia. Noted for his humility and organizational skills, he helped form the Church in the New World.

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How Dogs Were Implicated During The Salem Witch Trials #Paranormal

Bridget Marshall: I teach a course on New England witchcraft trials, and students always arrive with varying degrees of knowledge of what happened in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. Nineteen people accused of witchcraft were executed by hanging, another was pressed to death and at least 150 were imprisoned in conditions that caused the death of at least five more innocents. Each semester, a few students ask me about stories they have heard about dogs. In 17th century Salem, dogs were part of everyday life: People kept dogs to protect themselves, their homes and their livestock, to help with hunting, and…

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27 Funny Memes for Funny People #Fun

Having a sense of humor is an invaluable quality. You don’t have to be a brilliant standup comedian to know that! Comedy is highly beneficial if you’re weak in other social skills. How many times have you heard the story of the nerdy class clown who was able to gain the respect of their fellow students through their biting sense of humor? I was 100% that kid when I was in high school. I took this John Waters quote extremely literally when I was a teen, and in some ways, I still do! 

“Anytime you make someone laugh or satirize something, it’s the best way to change someone’s opinion because they’re defenseless – they laugh, they listen.”

Humor is the most effective casual interpersonal way to get others on your side. Of course, you don’t want to take that too far and always try to perform for others desperately to get them to like you. That came with my class clown era, and I would 0/10 recommend it. If you are a funny fellow who likes to be disarmed by laughter, then boy howdy, have you come to the right place for some hilarious memes that will leave you in stitches. 

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Saint John the Evangelist #Saints

Saint John, traditionally thought to be the “Beloved Disciple,” was the writer of the fourth Gospel, and presumably, the only apostle who was not martyred. He is also the disciple to whom Jesus entrusted his mother from the cross. Symbolized as an eagle, Saint John’s Gospel “soars” in its theological treatment of the Good News.

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Saint Juan Diego #Saints

Thousands of people gathered in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe July 31, 2002, for the canonization of Juan Diego, to whom the Blessed Mother appeared in the 16th century. Pope John Paul II celebrated the ceremony at which the poor Indian peasant became the Church’s first saint indigenous to the Americas.

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1. “Woman, behold your Son!” (Jn 19:26).
As we near the end of this Jubilee Year,
when you, O Mother, have offered us Jesus anew,
the blessed fruit of your womb most pure,
the Word made flesh, the world’s Redeemer,
we hear more clearly the sweet echo of his words
entrusting us to you, making you our Mother:
“Woman, behold your Son!”
When he entrusted to you the Apostle John,
and with him the children of the Church and all people,
Christ did not diminish but affirmed anew …

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Neuroscientist Teaches Lab Rats to Drive #Paranormal

Kelly Lambert: We crafted our first rodent car from a plastic cereal container. After trial and error, my colleagues and I found that rats could learn to drive forward by grasping a small wire that acted like a gas pedal. Before long, they were steering with surprising precision to reach a Froot Loop treat. As expected, rats housed in enriched environments – complete with toys, space and companions – learned to drive faster than those in standard cages. This finding supported the idea that complex environments enhance neuroplasticity: the brain’s ability to change across the lifespan in response to environmental…

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Russian Scientist Claims UFOs Are U.S. Spy Technology #Paranormal

In recent years, global fascination with UFOs has reached new heights. But according to Pavel Poluian, a Russian physicist and philosopher with a background in geophysics, these sightings may have a more Earth-bound explanation. In his letter to, Poluian claims that UFOs—or at least many of them—are advanced espionage devices developed by the United States during the Cold War, featuring plasma-driven propulsion systems that mimic the characteristics of otherworldly crafts. Poluian, who has published multiple works debunking pseudoscientific theories, including “The Elimination of UFOs” and “The Hunt for UFOs,” explains that he believes these crafts were part of a…

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Saints Simon and Jude #Saints

Legend has it that Saints Simon and Jude traveled to Persia together where they were both martyred. This may explain why they share the same feast day. Saint Simon is usually referred to as “the Zealot,” and Saint Jude, also known as Thaddeus, is often considered the brother of Saint James the Lesser.

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For Expectant Mothers: Prayer of the Day for Saturday, October 26, 2024 #Pray

Almighty and everlasting God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you prepared the body of the Virgin Mary to be a worthy dwelling place of your divine son. You sanctified St. John the Baptist, while still in his mother’s womb. Listen now to my prayer. Through the intercession of St. Gerard, watch over my child and me; protect us at the time of delivery. May my child receive the saving graces of Baptism, lead a Christian life, and, together with all the members of our family, attain …

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The Reality of Wormholes: Are They More Than Just Theory? #Paranormal

In 1935, Albert Einstein and His postdoc Nathan Rosen found a hypothical mathematical spacetime structure that bridges between two separate regions of space, potentially allowing a shortcut between these regions. Travel through the throat could be much faster than travel in the familiar external spacetime that connects them. This is an example of a general class of spacetime structures with two mouths connected by a throat, known as `wormholes.’ In 1962, Robert Fuller and John Wheeler demonstrated that the Einstein-Rosen wormhole is unstable and would pinch off before any particle traverses it. Subsequently, Stephen Hawking, Kip Thorne and collaborators showed…

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‘Dangerous, unstable’: Harris slams ‘unhinged’ Trump over alleged Hitler comments -Times of India- #timesofindia #India #News

Kamala Harris criticized Donald Trump after John Kelly revealed that Trump, while in office, desired generals who were loyal to him, akin to those under Adolf Hitler. Harris condemned Trump for seeking unchecked power and undermining the constitution. Kelly and other former officials, including Gen Mark Milley, labeled Trump a threat and fascist.

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Prayer to St. John Paul II: Prayer of the Day for Tuesday, October 22, 2024 #Pray

Oh, St. John Paul, from the window of heaven, grant us your blessing! Bless the church that you loved and served and guided, courageously leading it along the paths of the world in order to bring Jesus to everyone and everyone to Jesus. Bless the young, who were your great passion. Help them dream again, help them look up high again to find the light that illuminates the paths of life here on earth.

May you bless families, bless each family! You warned of Satan’s assault against this …

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Does the Sun Host a Black Hole at Its Center? #Paranormal

In 1971, Stephen Hawking suggested that a mini black hole from the early universe could be lurking at the center of the sun. His proposal was extended in 1975 by Don Clayton and collaborators who suggested that the power generated by the infall of matter onto such a black hole could explain the observed deficit in neutrinos of the electron flavor from the Sun. This deficit was known at that time as the solar neutrino problem, formulated by calculations of my early mentor, John Bahcall. Having a second power source in addition to nuclear fusion would have naturally reduced the…

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