
A Stellar Bouquet

This composite image contains the deepest X-ray image ever made of the spectacular star forming region called 30 Doradus. By combining X-ray data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue and green) with optical data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope (yellow) and radio data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (orange), this stellar arrangement comes alive.

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NASA Telescopes Deliver Cosmic Bouquet Specially for Valentine’s Day #Paranormal

The Tarantula Nebula is one of the brightest star-forming regions relatively close to Earth. Scientists used data from NASA’s Chandra and Hubble space telescopes, as well as the ALMA radio telescope, to create a unique image of the Tarantula Nebula, also known as 30 Doradus. This is the most detailed X-ray image of the most powerful star-forming region in the relatively nearby Universe. The composite image of the nebula resembles a bouquet in shape, which is just in time, because Valentine’s Day is approaching. The study was published on the preprint server arXiv, writes Phys. In this composite image of…

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Unlocking the Mystery of Kozyrev Mirrors: Time, Consciousness, and the Limits of Human Perception #Paranormal

For centuries, the human mind has grappled with the nature of time. The ability to alter its flow, peer into the past, or glimpse the future has remained a tantalizing mystery. While mainstream physics holds that time is an unyielding force, moving steadily in one direction, some researchers have sought to challenge this notion. Among them was Nikolai Kozyrev, a Soviet astrophysicist whose controversial theories suggested that time might be more fluid than we assume. Kozyrev proposed that time was not just a passive dimension but an energy-like force interacting with matter and consciousness. Though dismissed by many of his…

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Robot Gets a Grip

The blue tentacle-like arms containing gecko-like adhesive pads, attached to an Astrobee robotic free-flyer, reach out and grapple a “capture cube” inside the International Space Station’s Kibo laboratory module. The experimental grippers, outfitted on the toaster-sized Astrobee, demonstrated autonomous detection and capture techniques that may be used to remove space debris and service satellites in low Earth orbit.

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The Betz Mystery Sphere Revisited: A 50-Year Search for Answers #Paranormal

Not every mystery begins with flashing lights in the sky or eerie radio transmissions from space. Some arrive in the most unassuming ways, like a silent, seamless metal sphere resting in the grass. When the Betz family discovered just such an object on their Florida property in 1974, they could not have predicted that their curiosity would ignite a media firestorm, government interest, and decades of wild speculation. What at first seemed like a lost piece of machinery or an old cannonball soon defied expectations. It rolled in ways that defied gravity, vibrated when exposed to music, and even appeared…

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Golden Moon over the Superdome

The full moon rises over the Superdome and the city of New Orleans, Louisiana on Monday evening, January 13, 2025. The Wolf Moon, also known as the Ice or Cold Moon, was full at 5:27 p.m. EST. New Orleans is home to NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility where several pieces of hardware for the SLS (Space Launch System) are being built.

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LEDA 1313424, aptly nicknamed the Bullseye, is two and a half times the size of our Milky Way and has nine rings — six more than any other known galaxy. High-resolution imagery from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope confirmed eight rings, and data from the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii confirmed a ninth. Hubble and Keck also confirmed which galaxy dove through the Bullseye, creating these rings: the blue dwarf galaxy that sits to its immediate center-left.

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Stacking Artemis II

Engineers and technicians with NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems Program prepare to lift the left center center booster segment shown with the iconic NASA “worm” insignia for the agency’s SLS (Space Launch System) rocket to the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Friday, Jan. 24, 2025.

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High-Resolution Imaging of Dyson Sphere Candidate Reveals no Radio Signals #Paranormal

In the more than sixty years where scientists have engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), several potential examples of technological activity (“technosignatures”) have been considered, reports While most SETI surveys to date have focused on potential radio signals from distant sources, scientists have expanded the search to include other possible examples. This includes other forms of communication (directed energy, neutrinos, gravitational waves, etc.) and examples of megastructures (Dyson Spheres, Clarke Bands, Niven Rings, etc.) Examples of modern searches include Project Hephaistos, the first Swedish Project dedicated to SETI. Named in honor of the Greek god of blacksmiths,…

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30 Memes to Spruce Up The Place #Fun

Look around you…this room could use a little more decoration or maybe some flowers to spruce it up. Nobody can live in a millennial gray apartment with no windows and maintain their happiness; it’s unnatural. We as humans need beauty in our field of vision, and what better way to see beauty constantly than to make your environment to your liking? You can’t always control where you live or how nice your house is on the outside, but you can control what you put in your home and what you throw away. Even a little accent wall or a nice framed poster on the wall can take space to the next level. 

If you like the way your room looks already, maybe you’re the thing that needs sprucing up. If you are down in the dumps and need a picker-upper, these memes will give you a makeover powered solely by laughs. 

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Building an Antenna

A crane lowers the 112-foot-wide (34-meter-wide) steel framework for the Deep Space Station 23 (DSS-23) reflector dish into position on Dec. 18, 2024, at the Deep Space Network’s Goldstone Space Communications Complex near Barstow, California. A multi-frequency beam waveguide antenna, DSS-23 will boost the DSN’s capacity and enhance NASA’s deep space communications capabilities for decades to come.

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‘We don’t have a signed agreement since we’re friends’: Inconsiderate roommate lets her family of 4 stay in homeowners house for 3 weeks, refuses to pay utilities like he asked #Fun

I have lived with friends for 3.5 years of my life. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a great way of living with roommates and far superior to shacking up with a bunch of randos. When you live with people you know and love, you feel responsible for ensuring their living space is a happy, healthy, and calm place to live. I don’t want my best friends to be stressed about the dishes piling up in the sink. Therefore, I will wash the big ones, put the small ones in the dishwasher, and run the said dishwasher. 

Although I trust and love my friends turned roommates, I still make sure we’re doing everything above board. I would never live with someone who hasn’t signed a lease, but pinkie promises to pay the rent. Even if they fully intend to pay it, it’s way too big of a risk to take. 

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Astronauts to Check for Microbes Outside the Station #Paranormal

On Thursday January 30th, astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore are doing a 6.5-hour spacewalk outside the International Space Station. Among other goals, they’ll be collecting surface samples from the station to analyze for the presence of microbes, reports The ISS “surface swab” is part of the ISS External Microorganisms project. It was developed to understand how microorganisms are transported by crew members to space. It also seeks to understand what happens to those “mini-critters” in the space environment. The “bugs” that the two astronauts bring back in for analysis will come from areas on the space station near…

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The Indian Space Research Organisation successfully launched a second-generation navigation satellite, NVS-02, into a geosynchronous transfer orbit using a GSLV rocket in its 100th launch from Sriharikota. This satellite, which incorporates both indigenous and procured atomic clocks, will replace IRNSS-1E and enhance the NavIC base layer constellation.

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How to get to a parallel universe: the answer from physicists may surprise #Paranormal

If parallel universes exist, then there is at least one way to get to a place that is different from our reality. So far, the existence of parallel universes is mostly associated with science fiction. But there are scientific theories that suggest that other universes exist. If so, how can we get there? Physicist Paul Sutter believes that such a possibility exists, but it is a very difficult journey, writes Space. Theories suggesting the existence of parallel worlds The existence of parallel universes is suggested by at least two well-known theories in physics. One of them is called the inflation…

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Get My Good Side

An inquisitive sandhill crane approaches the photographer near the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 24, 2021. Kennedy shares space with the Merritt Island National Wildlife refuge, which is home to more than 1,000 species of plants, 117 species of fish, 68 amphibians and reptiles, 330 birds, and 31 different mammals. The refuge provides a favorable environment for sandhill cranes as it contains shallow freshwater habitats for nesting, along with a variety of vegetation and prey to feed on.

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35+ Plant Memes for Folks With Too Many Houseplants #Fun

You might be thinking, “No such thing as too many houseplants.” But if you’re having to print out a novella-length instruction booklet for taking care of your plants so that your house sitter won’t accidentally ruin your Pothos, then you may have gone too far. If you’re stepping over vines and ducking under hanging plants in order to get the milk out of your fridge, you may have gone too far. If you live in fear that your Venus Fly Trap will suddenly acquire a taste for human flesh, then you may have gone too far (and watched Little Shop of Horrors one too many times). 

You can’t be blamed, though. Having a bunch of houseplants around is like having a bunch of friends around. They give you energy, give you something to take care of, and liven up your space in incredible ways. Who cares if you go to the Home Depot gardening section twice a week? You deserve it. 

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How Apple TV+’s Severance taught us a valuable lesson on the importance of physical marketing in a completely digital world: ‘It’s irreplaceable by any ad on our screens’ #Fun

We live in a world filled to the brim with innovations and technological advancements, that cause everyone to look for new ways to excite their audiences. When it comes to advertising, we are well used to a reality in which we’re constantly bombarded with products and content, each begging for our attention and our dollar to a point where we sometimes don’t even clock it. We just let it go right over our heads, completely desensitized to the latest attempts at our attention from the constant onslaught. 

Those advertisements are mostly happening in the digital space and constantly on our phones. Everywhere we go while we’re scrolling, an ad is there. Someone, something, is always there and in our faces, trying to sell. However, in that world of new technological advancement, some old techniques are proven to be timeless and just as important, if not more, than the new.

When it comes to marketing, there is magic in a physical embodiment of the advertised, irreplaceable by any ad on our screens. Last week we got the perfect reminder of that, through a genius stunt brought by Apple TV’s Severance.

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Could Ocean Planets Support Life? #Paranormal

There might be a type of exoplanet without dry land. They’re called “Hycean” worlds, a portmanteau of ‘hydrogen’ and ‘ocean.’ They’re mostly or entirely covered in oceans and have thick hydrogen atmospheres, reports They’re intriguing because their atmospheres keep them warm enough to have liquid water outside of the traditional habitable zones. If they do exist, scientists think they’re good candidates to support microbial life. Hycean worlds are hypothetical, but there is some evidence that they exist. The Kepler mission detected many candidates and provided foundational evidence for their existence. However, it didn’t detect any with certainty. More recently,…

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The Phenomenon: Unified Theory of the Paranormal from UAPs to Bigfoot #Paranormal

Ghosts, cryptids, UFOs, and even folkloric creatures like fairies and goblins, are all manifestations of the same underlying force. “The Phenomenon,” a unifying theory suggesting that various anomalies—ranging from UAPs to ghosts and poltergeists—are interconnected manifestations of a singular, underlying force. Initially, like many of his contemporaries in the 1960s, this researcher approached the UFO enigma with the prevailing extraterrestrial hypothesis—the belief that unidentified flying objects were spacecraft from other planets. However, his extensive field investigations led him to a different conclusion. A Shift from Space to Something Far Stranger In the realm of “new ufology,” John Keel undoubtedly played…

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